Helping Catholic Youth Ministers Thrive


At ProjectYM, we invest in the ADULTS who are making a difference in the lives of young people.

We do that by providing...

The Largest Community of Catholic Youth Ministers

In Thrive you can talk about ministry with other people who get it

Problem solve, celebrate wins, and brainstorm ideas with other Catholic youth ministry leaders.

The Best part is that it is 100% Free to join!

Find out more about THRIVE
Greater Confirmation Retreat Resource

In-Person Events

Every September, Catholic youth ministers from across the country gather in Chattanooga, TN for four days of collaboration, fun, and community that we call Thriveanooga.

There’s no keynotes or lectures at Thriveanooga, instead we spend the week brainstorming, problem solving, and creating together.

We built Thriveanooga from the ground up to be a unique experience like nothing else you've ever been to!

Find out more about THRIVEANOOGA
Greater Confirmation Retreat Resource

Confirmation Retreat Resources

We've created a customizable, downloadable, in-person confirmation retreat resource using session content that has been shared with over 15,000 Catholic teenagers!

Plus there's a fully online version if your students can't attend in person.

Find out more about Greater
Greater Confirmation Retreat Resource


Made by Michael Marchand